Post in English

Hiking: the final!
Post in English · 26.05.2024
At the end of the 2023/24 hiking season, there is one more real challenge: we are doing the Camino de Santiago - the Way of St James!
Visit to La Palma
Post in English · 13.05.2024
It is said to be the most beautiful of the Canary Islands. A two-day short trip should clarify whether this title is justified.

Fantastic days! Carnival 2024
Post in English · 20.03.2024
The International Carnival of Maspalomas is over. In contrast to its predecessors, the 2024 edition surprised us in a very positive way though there was an annoying breakdown as well.
Congrats Carnival!
Post in English · 04.03.2024
The programme of events for this year's carnival has finally been published. Hooray! You should have a look. It worth it!

Post in English · 13.12.2023
It's tradition already: When the year draws to a close we are going to send our best wishes and a short review to all our friends. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
New Work: Tourism 2.0 ?
Post in English · 12.11.2022
Digital nomads have been in love with Canary Islands at least since pandemic. The regional government as well as big investors in tourism sector are interested in that target group now. Caution!!! Why is New Work apparently like a matter of course understood as a new trend in tourism? Won't we miss an opportunity to avoid past mistakes? Couldn't we regard this issue from a different angle? Ready for a brainstorming session on this topic?

Post in English · 15.10.2022
We'll come back with a new plan concerning VILLA CARPE DIEM in 2022. Read now what we are having in mind!